Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today's garden pics, May 4th 2010

Below: Chive blossom opening up. You can eat these. Put them in a salad.

Below: more radishes planted around one sunflower. Sunflower just starting to pop up

Below: Green Pea blossom, you can also eat these.

Below: My first red strawberry, I need to purchase the bird netting and cover these today :) I planted some extra strawberry runners in another part of the yard for the birds to eat.


  1. Hello! I saw your comment on "Donna's Square Foot Gardening" and wanted to check out your grid system. I also have a square foot garden. Mine is in Fort Walton Beach, Florida about 10 minutes from Donna's. Anyway, I think your grid system is great. I might try it because I don't have anything right now.

    I also have a blog if you're interested in checking it out :-)


  2. I loved seeing your garden on Skype:) The bird netting is a good idea. You will have more for me to eat when I visit. The Strawberries are beautiful.
